About the two of us
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During the last years Manu (29) has been working as an instructor for alpine sports and several kinds of watersports. Right now he sells strawberries and studies to get a license for offshore sailing.
In difficult situation Manu always stays calm and keeps a clear mind. Thanks to all his world travel experiences he has become a master of travel planning, navigation and breakfast. He is always looking forward to challenge you in backgammon or poker!

In theory, Magda (29) is a mathematician. Right now she works at a school, teaching maths and a subject called "Personal challenges". She also created a pretty successful maths YouTube channel called "Corona-Mathe". Check it out!
Magda is a very happy and open-minded person, 99.8% of her life she is in best moods and laughing a lot.
She loves couchsurfing and getting to know new people, cultures and countries.
Best conditions to travel the world!!
new video about us and our project! more than half a year on the road now!
Impressum: Magda Mayerhoffer, Lützowstraße 125, 58095 Hagen, manuandmagda@gmx.de